Head of Multilingualism


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International School of London Qatar

Job Position – Head of Multilingualism

Job Details Here

Candidate Profile (Full Profile here)

The Head of Multilingualism is responsible for establishing a unified vision, strategy, curriculum, and best pedagogical practices across the language department. Additionally, the Head of Multilingualism will ensure that the linguistic diversity of

students is recognized and developed across the entire curriculum and beyond the classroom. As an educational leader, s/he guarantees a progressive, high-quality, and

engaging learning experience for all students in every language offeredat ISL Qatar. S/he also creates and implements a clear communication plan to ensure that all teachers work well together and promote language education in the community.

The Head of Multilingualism should be an engaging, passionate, and adaptable educator as well as a caring and creative leader. S/he must be a great motivator, learner, administrator, and communicator with a positive, can-do attitude.

In conjunction with the Arabic and Islamic Studies MOE Curriculum Liaison, s/he will ensure that the Ministry of Education Arabic requirements are implemented in

a manner that is aligned with the IB curriculum, philosophy, and pedagogical approaches. Additionally, s/he must also be able to lead the development of the current Arabic, Mother Tongue, and Language Acquisition divisions into one high performing, collaborative team.

Scope: Head of Multilingualism – Whole School Leadership Team

Reporting to: Head of School


To establish a clear vision, strategic direction, and progression plan to lead language learning at ISL Qatar to the next stage of its development.

  • Leadership
  • Chair a regular languages department meeting
  • Establish a unified vision, strategy, curriculum, and best pedagogical practices across the language department
  • Undertake annually, in liaison with the Head of School, decisions about additional languages, staffing, Language department Action Plan
  • Ensure that every member of staff adheres to a personal professional growth plan
  • Create and implement languages strategy
  • Stay up-to-date and advise on current trends in multilingualism worldwide to ensure that ISL Qatar remains current and a leader in this field.
  • Personnel
  • Contribute to the recruitment of language staff and their induction
  • Serve as Professional Learning committee member and oversee internship and mentoring of relevant teachers (LanguageAcquisition and Mother tongue Teachers)
  • Monitor, appraise and/or coordinate the evaluation of all languages staff
  • Review the school’s language policy
  • Accountability
  • Meet regularly with the Head of School to report and advise on all aspects languages department
  • creates a clear communication plan to ensure that all teachers work well together and promote language education in the community.
  • Collaboratively, with parents and relevant staff, enable students to make informed language choices.
  • Provide information for the allocation of pupils to teaching sets
  • Communicate language choices to timetable team
  • Maintain data on language choices and language levels across the school
  • Utilise professional networks to maximise all possible recruitment avenues and quality recruitment.
  • Ensure that accrediting agencies recommendations are actioned, and that resources and professional capacity is adequate to meet the demands of the plan
  • Consistently review the languages policy based on updated research related to the development of multilingualism.
  • Hold regular termly review meetings with staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the languages across the whole school
  • Academic Quality
  • Ensure consistency of teaching and learning quality
  • Devote at least 10% of monthly school hours to teaching/learning observation and providing instructional feedback
  • Facilitate professional learning
  • Ensure that every student is developing literacy in at least one additional language.
  • Review the Assessment procedures regularly
  • Work with the heads of division to ensure language paths and options are realistic and achievable, thus ensuring personal and academic options at IBDP, and beyond, are maximized.
  • Act on complaints about the quality of teaching and learning in a timely manner
  • Lead regular review meetings with teaching staff to identify and discuss students requiring support
  • In collaboration with the Arabic and Islamic Studies MOE Curriculum Liaison, ensure Ministry of Education Arabic requirements are implemented in a manner that is aligned with the IB curriculum, philosophy, and pedagogical approaches.
  • In collaboration with the Languages Coordinator, ensure language acquisition and Mother Tongue Curriculum and instruction are implemented in alignment with the IB programmes’ principles and practices.
  • Assist departments across school in developing multilingualism as a fact, a right, and a resource for all students across all subject areas
  • Operations and Management
  • Manage the space, resources, and personnel efficiently and effectively to ensure that it meets the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations
  • Set languages staff teaching allocation, teaching group and class sizes in coordination with the time-table team
  • Track language paths based on school data and language needs
  • Perform any other duties as assigned
  • Community
  • Promote partnership with local international schools and all ISL schools
  • Collaborate with Programme Coordinators, Leaders of Learning, and teachers to establish and maintain community partnerships to enhance authentic student learning experiences
  • Offer regular parent workshops on multilingualism and the ISL language programme
  • In collaboration with the Marketing Department, connect with local communities (personal and professional) and share ISL’s expertise in multilingualism.
  • Ensure that the school’s linguistic landscape represents our multilingual community
  • Communication
  • Contribute and approve sections of parent handbook related to languages
  • Ensure that the Languages department marketing material reflects ISL Qatar identity and that the school adverts are in line with branding and identity
  • Review internal communication procedures regularly and ensure that minutes of meetings are circulated in timely fashion and actioned accordingly
  • Lead and oversee whole school Languages event
  • Finances
  • Administer the approved budget for the languages department
  • Follow agreed procedures for future funding claims and negotiate as appropriate
  • Care and Guidance
  • Collaboratively, with parents and relevant staff, enable students to make informed language choices
  • In collaboration with Admissions Department, establish procedures to ensure all students have a language portrait mapped, before they start school
  • Collaborate with Child Protection, Risk Assessment and H&S Officer to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for students

Requirements Qualifications, Experience and Skills: The school prefers people who:

  • Possess at least three years of experience as Head of Multilingualism,

Head of Division, Assistant Head, Languages Coordinator, and/or other similar positions of leadership.

  • Hold teaching and leadership credentials, preferably a master’s degree or

licensure in leadership, literature, languages, curriculum and instruction, and/or related field(s).

  • Must have professional working proficiency in 1) Arabic and 2) English,

and proficiency in (an) additional language(s) such as French, Spanish,

And/or Any Other Language Is Preferred.

  • Possess IB programme teaching and/or leadership experience.
  • Display the ability to communicate and execute a progressive vision to

integrate the current Arabic, Language Acquisition, and Mother Tongue

departments together, to develop and maintain a strong balanced

languages programme that effectively meets the developmental needs

of students across the school.

  • Possess international experience and/or experience working in a diverse,

multicultural environment.

  • Demonstrate successful experience with the recruitment, supervision,

development, and retention of language teachers.

  • Be a proactive leader who identifies areas for improvement in the

language programme, supports teachers in continual improvement of

their craft, and ensures academic targets are set for students within the

language programme.

  • Demonstrate a successful history of student-centered leadership

while effectively collaborating with teachers as a part of a professional

learning community.

  • Display an ability to collaboratively innovate, implement, and effectively

sustain change initiatives.

  • Please note that due to country work visa regulations, the candidate must be under the age of 50 at the time of starting the position.

Benefits Fully Sponsored Position

TAX free salary- based on leadership scale as shown in voices magazine under https://www.islqatar.org/our-staff/recruitment

  • Fully furnished house
  • International Health Insurance excluding USA
  • Utilities allowance
  • Flight Allowance
  • Tuition fees- 1 child per hire
  • Shipping allowance
  • Settling allowance
  • Authentication of documents allowance



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